dear sipibum's getting older.
kids grow up so fast and im missing the days we spent together...tooo much.
my last long summer in cebu was spent
with two september birthday celebrants.
this one goes first.
when i quit my job last 2008, i was soo free
i was always available to babysit or just hang-out at my cousin's house.
her youngest, sipi, was the one always present whenever im around. always there to make noise
and make every babysitter's life..ummm..okay nlang.
he's the sekoletol(chicken little) whom you can talk anything under the sun..the one whom i don't have to think of what to say/ask/etc...
very demanding most of the time, but he's also the one i dont' have to hesitate to scold.(coz everybody's doing it?)
i'm always thinking he's five. and will be five forever..
and he'll be turning six tomorrow.
then the next year he'll be seven..and so on.
oooh. just look at him when he sleeps soo serene. wake him up and you'll go nuts!hahaah joke.
miss you sipibum!happy birthday!aylaabyusooomach!

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