

here we are preparing for our annual tshirt design competition, and i was partly assigned with the things needed for the registration forms and the poster. then as every promo has to go through, we need to submit a copy of our poster and regform to DTI and have it approved. after some revisions for the poster, what i don't see is that they really wanted to see a verbatim of the details placed on the registration form on the poster. what shallow brains they have. when the thought, exactly the same thought is just written there and one need not to be confused about the information printed on the registration form and the poster.sheeesh! why can't they just read it, try to understand the sentences and compare both materials before they keep on telling us that it should be consistent! it's well damn consistent all right! they're just sooooo lazy to even use their brains. crappy government offices.! can never win over them.soooo close minded.shit.

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